Lily Kiara
Skinner Releasing Technique
Please note: This is a two week, half days workshop. Preference will be given to participants who register for the full two weeks to go into a more extended and deep experience. If you’ve already studied in a week long workshop with Lily before, it’s possible to only come to join the second week. We’ll be building depth of experience throughout these two weeks. If you want to participate only in the second week, please register normally and write to about when your previous SRT experience has been.
Skinner Releasing Technique (SRT)™ is a visionary approach to dance and movement training, developed by Joan Skinner (1924-2021); a detailed, refined and expansive technique. It is designed to find greater ease in our dancing and dynamic alignment with our environment and a refined tuning with our bodies an imagination. The teaching strongly draws on guided imagery and hands-on partner studies, supporting an experiential understanding of both the technical and the creative process in movement. There is an ongoing fine tuning in allowing ourselves to consciously fall into unknown creative territories. We allow ourselves to be intimately in touch with our inner body as well as align with something greater than ourselves through embodied listening. As we move with imagery that guides us through different layers of the whole self, the imagery can begin to move us. The poetic imagery can atune to physiological layers and includes the mystery of intangible layers present.
Embodied listening, inner spaces, presence, dynamic stillness, softening and allowing are some of the essential areas of practice in Skinner Releasing (other than release), that support action into newness. Softening supports the releasing of strength through efficiency and responsiveness. Allowing encourages listening, to one’s own dancing first. This way we can become more available. In the technical work and in creating dances, directing and allowing are side by side, as are stillness and action, receptivity and fierceness. Joan Skinner says: “Letting go is a discipline”. It is a continuous practicing.
Some words on the difference between Skinner Releasing Technique and Release Techniques:
* SRT is process oriented, releasing other than release. It trains dancers to be deeply in touch with their own bodies continuously evolving.
* The emphasis in alignment is on it being multidirectional dynamic alignment, also dynamic stillness.
* SRT brings together technique and creative process through the use of imagery and they way you are working from imagery in class. It is directed to the becoming aware and evolving of your own individual process and imagination.
* Part of the class, you can work with eyes closed to deepen your inner experience of the dance. Integration of inner awarenesses and outer focus is practised, playing with eyes open and closed.
* There is a possibility of transformation through the use of specific imagery inside the body while moving. It is about experiential understanding and when an image or any offering is actually felt in the body, it has greater potential to change the dancing self.
* There’s a multidimensional layering of depths throughout one class and throughout a series of classes through a spiralling process of building and unfolding.
Online Skinner Releasing Network for resources and teachers:
You can find and order the first book on SRT here, published in 2021:
Lily Kiara’s biography:
Lily Kiara (Amsterdam, NL) | dance artist, facilitator, singer-songwriter
Lily Kiara danced her first improvised solo performance on invitation of her dance teacher at the age of eight. She started her professional training at the School for New Dance Development in Amsterdam (1990-1994), at Bennington College and Movement Research in NYC. Further on, Skinner Releasing Technique (certified teacher since 2001), martial arts and training in instant composition with teachers such as Julyen Hamilton and Lisa Nelson have greatly influenced her work and evolving vision. The work of her late teacher Suprapto Suryodarmo, Joged Amerta Movement through practicing and performing in Indonesia, continues to inspire her on numerous levels. In 2021 she graduated in London as a Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist. Lily also is active as a folk singer-songwriter, solo and with her bands The RIVER and The Tall Tales.
Lily Kiara has been teaching classes and workshops in Skinner Releasing Technique and Creating (Instant) Dances, sometimes together with a musician or lighting designer. She has been teaching at independent studios, companies, festivals, academies and art institutions throughout Europe, USA, Australia and Indonesia and also guides artists in their process of making their own work, tuning into exactly what it is they are making this moment and what could support them in doing so with their highest potential.
“Poetry and stillness are at the heart of my work; poetic embodiment and the depths of stillness, whether working with live musicians or in silence, in group or solo. I’m interested in refinement and layering, in detail of sensation and clarity of action. I love the mystery that’s so clearly part of the dance, while also figuring out how to make some of the intangible tangible in a way that we can actually practice and work through the body with what is beyond the merely physical. I’m interested in revealing what is in the space and stillness being created by the dancer(s) through the dance. When in the theatre I tend to work in stripped down spaces with nothing to gloss over or hide behind, dedicated to connect through the richness and intricacies of the dancing self and all that lives inside and alongside this.”
Books On The Move:
Dates and times:
February 24- March 7
Monday to Friday
14:30 – 18:30
People who have studied in the past with Lily can join for the second week only (3-7 March) of this workshop.
See extra note at the beginning of the workshop description.
100 € registration fee
2 weeks total: 480 €
second week only total: 240 €
Package deal:
In the same week David Zambrano is teaching Flying Low in the mornings. You get a 15% discount for registering to both workshops.