Anton Lachky
Endless body game opens the door to an infinite variety of movement combinations and possibilities in your dancing.
Unlock your potential by learning the maximum about your dancing while challenging your body and your brain with complex coordination and speed.
Puzzle Work allows you to always stay playful while you are dancing. (HOW COLORFUL CAN YOUR DANCING BE?).
A never ending process, Puzzle Work is an endless game if we allow it to be.
Each of us has our own logic, our own limitations and our drive to move, push and grow. The key is finding our own balance so that our bodies function the way we wish or allow them to function.
This game of Puzzle Work is a never ending process, a never ending game if we wish or allow it to be. Each body has its BALANCE, LOGIC and its LIMITATIONS.
I feel lucky today to be discovering where my balance is and where my limitations are and how can i transform that and integrate that in my dancing.
If i take 6 different numbers comparing to the lock of the bike. Combinations of those numbers are endless in different orders and that’s how we keep our bike safe.
Meaning, with 6 different movements the body game can be endless, depending of which movement comes in which order.
Other thing is how large the scale of our movement is? That’s where ENDLESSNESS steps in. How many numbers possibilities we have?
As i mentioned before we are not a bike lock and movements are not the numbers so…..
Under what speed frame, in which size, what texture, with what intention, in which context, and most importantly with what FEELING do i move.
Yes we do.
Who is Puzzle Work for? Any dancer and mover of any category who loves to move and wants to discover his physical possibilities, discover his abilities and his own coordination skills.
Any dancer who likes to be challenged and who is willing to learn more.
Anton Lachky’s biography:
Born in 1982 in Slovakia, Anton started to dance at the age of 5, in the folk dance company Maly Vtácnik. He continued his dance education at the J.L.Bellu Conservatory in Banská Bystrica, where he collaborated with friends and also participated in M.A.P.A. (Moving Academy for Performing Arts). From there he went on to train at the University of Bratislava in 2001, followed by further training at P.A.R.T.S., headed by A.Teresa de Keersmeaker (Belgium).
Anton became member of Akram Khan Company in March 2004 and toured “”MA”” for two years. (48 countries all over the world). Anton Lachky is co-founder of Les SlovaKs Dance Collective. They created their first piece “”Opening Night”” in 2006 and premiered it in October 2007, then Journey Home (2009) , Fragments (2011). In three creations, the collective acquires a planetary fame.
Anton founded his own company in 2012. “”Mind a Gap”” (2013) was his first autonomous creation, followed by « Side Effects”” and « Cartoon » (2017) . This first creation for young public earned him the Price of the Culture Minister Alda Greoli. All these creations were met with great enthusiasm by the public, the press and the dance community. They all toured worldwide. « Cartoon » and « Side effect » are still touring internationally. In 2019 he creates the fourth production of his company: « LUDUM ». Premiere in La Balsamine (BXL).
His work brings together western educated dance, and shreds of eastern folk and pop culture. Thanks to the “Puzzle work”, a technique of composition he created, Anton’s shows demonstrate an extremely virtuous and sophisticated dance language. Both extremely specialist and widely addressed to all audiences, his work connects different cultural backgrounds, to deliver a joyful, and strong and unique experience !
Praised and invited by major institutions, Anton has created some fifteen pieces over the last ten years. As a guest choreographer, he created “Softandhard” – Helsinki City Theater, “Heaven is the place” for Prague DOT 504, “Perfect Day To Dream” (Best choreography/Griman Award 2012 in Iceland) for Iceland Dance Company, “Kids in a play” (nominated for « Best choreography ») for Liberdance / Zagreb, “Sens Interdit” for Bodhi Project (SEAD), “Magical Road” for St-Gallen, “Wonderland” for Göteborgs Operans Danskompani, “A demain” for the Biennale of Venice, “Dreamers” for the Scottish dance Theater, “Private games, chapter one” Body Traffic/ Los Angeles (US), “Family Journey” for DOT 504, (CZ), “Triology” for Collective Cla (Costa Rica), “Nocna Iluzia” Narodni Divaldo (SK), “Fortuneville” for the Icelandic Dance Company ( nominated for Best choreographer at the Griman Award 2018), Central Europe Dance Theater “Special society” in Budapest (HU), “SET YOUR MIND FREE” 2020 for Central Europe Dance Theater, “BUNKER FILM” 2021 in collaboration with movie director György Kristof, 2022 he will create production for DART company based in Berlin and Helsinki city theater
He created a system called Anton Lachky-Puzzle Work. His teaching activities are wide ranging. He has been invited in most of the countries in the world over last 10 years.
Watch here an interview on puzzle work, sports, and dance as a collective adventure. And here an interview on virtuosity, inspiration and presence.
Dates and times:
April 21 – 25
Monday to Friday
10:00 – 17:30
80 € registration fee
360 € total