Daniel Linehan
Witness – Invite – Support
This dance workshop combines principles from Authentic Movement and Contact Improvisation. We will dance for each other and explore the transformative impact of being witnessed in an empathetic and attuned way. We will invite caring movement from one another through touch. And we will discover gentle ways to support each other’s weight, as we move together in a fluid and dynamic group dance.
Daniel Linehan’s biography:
Linehan’s choreographic work is intent on softly obscuring the line that separates dance from everything else. He approaches performance-making from the point of view of a curious amateur, testing various interactions between dance and non-dance forms, searching for unlikely conjunctions, juxtapositions, and parallels between texts, movements, images, songs, videos, and rhythms.
Linehan first studied dance in Seattle and then moved to New York in 2004. In 2007, he premiered the solo Not About Everything, which has since been presented in over 75 venues internationally. In 2008, Linehan moved to Brussels where he completed the Research Cycle at P.A.R.T.S. in 2010, and has since created numerous dance performances in Belgium, as well as special workshops, podcasts, and a book.He established the dance company Hiatus in 2014, which is supported by the Flemish authorities. He is regularly invited as a guest teacher and mentor at dance institutions worldwide. He is also trained as a mindfulness meditation teacher.Daniel Linehan was Creative Associate at deSingel International Arts Campus from 2017-2021.
October 13 – 17
Monday to Friday
9:30 – 13:00
50 € registration fee
210 € total
Tictac’s small studio