Tuong Phuong
Biomechanics of Fulfillment (Fully-Filled Moment)
Why Biomechanics ?
Because the true organic Nature (and its natural somatic Technique)
lies hidden within the Soma,
could be RE-membered and RE-called,
and could be brought back into Light (or Enlightment)
Why Spiral-Dynamics Biomechanics ?
Because Organic Being – its Nature , is a 3-Dimensional Continuum
in Space, Time and Energy.
Spiral-Dynamics is biological Techniques
such that its biological Expression and Transformation could be realized and RE-aligned
fully and completely.
So that its Impulses and Energy could be focused “to the point” ,
forming clear and coherent Flow.
Its “Ebb & Flood” could be spontaneously and authentically
identified and established.
The Breath of the Spinal Spiral Dynamics
articulates and unites
the Gestures… the Body Language… the Intention… the Dance…
into one coherent, completed and integrated Wholeness.
The Spine’s organic spiral Flow – its Energy, its muscular System, (Chakras … Chi Centers)…
the Whole of Soma
into one completed Impulse
into one melodic Structure
into one harmonic State of Being.
Gestures, Mimics and Body Language could be percieved from Biomechanics Perspective.
Just as Caligraphy could be viewed a intercultural Spirals and Curves….
they are not as accidental cultural development,
but are grounded in the BioMechanics, BioTechniques (the Softwares and Hardwares)
of Biological Being.
Through Spinal Spiral Dynamics,
deep layers of Knowing, of Organisation,
could be RE-awakened and brought back into light – Enlightment.
Reflexes and Instincts are RE-optimized.
A deep RE-balancing… RE-organizing… RE-membering
could be RE-called.
One of the most integrated Aspect of Praxis
is the Integration of the spoken consonant Breath,
consciously, into the Gesture … the Body Language… and the Dance
Just as Intention opens and reveals its Self through the embodied spoken words…
Intention would reveal and enlight, in the Body, through the spiritualized Spoken Breath
Speaking is muscular.
So too Gesturing, Mimicing, Body Expressing… and Dancing… are all muscular.
Intention and Embodied Expression are united and synchronized through the IN-Tension
of the Consonant Breath.
Clear, coherent and fully-filled Moment of Awareness allows consciousness to RE-cognize,
RE-member and RE-identify with the latent hidden Being-Knowing behind the Spoken Breath.
The Spiral Flow is RE-identified and RE-organized as impulsive “im-pulses”…
as dynamic rhythmical phrased Melody.
The Tensegrity (Tensional Integrity) is RE-cognized and RE-membered
as Harmonic State.)
The Aim of the workshop is to reawaken the deep latent Somatic Harmony and Synchronicty.
Tuong Phuong’s biography:
Studied physics and dance at University of California at Irvine, then in New York at Balanchine’s School of American Ballet, then continued at Alvin Ailey American Dance Center…
From 1985 – 1998 danced at TanzForum, Cologne/Köln Opera House, under the direction of Jochen Ulrich.
From 2001 – 2003, studied Dance Padagogy at Zentrum für Zeitgenosse Tanz, Musikhochschule, Köln.
In 2011, together with Yoshiko Waki and Andre Jolles, received the Kölner Tanzpreis, for 687Performance’s production “Lost of Control”.
Presently, is teaching at Köln Rheinische Dance Academy and Schauspielschule Der Keller and Tanzstation-Köln.
At the moment feel the need to experience more clearly what is physical communication? Out of the awareness that Communication is only possible if the exchanges take place within an established and agreed upon “languages”, arises the questions: “What is this or what are these already-established-and-agreed-upon communications? What is this shared physical knowledge?”
From the awareness that “the public know what i know”, the need, to be more conscious of what is this Physical Knowing (which we all share, which connects us, which binds us, “keeps” us together and not seperates), has become more and more an urgent necessity.
Our presence… body language… facial expressions… all are movements… the muscles of our face, eyes, lips create the “expressive dances”… and through these “already-established-and-agreed-upon” gestures, identifications take place… we communicate, share, and ARE together…
The question “what is somatic knowing?” becomes more and more a central focus.
October 20 – 24
Monday to Friday
10:00 – 13:00 and 14:30 – 17:30
80 € registration fee
360 € total