Curious Orange
aka Claire Fleury
Heart on your sleeve
Sleeve on your heart
Join New York-based costume designer and performance artist Curious Orange for a five-day workshop focused on creating a costume-based performance. In this workshop, we will repurpose lost and found garments and discarded items to design unique and personal looks. We will explore ways to express individuality through clothing, allowing you to convey a personal or global message of your choice. Our focus will be on both crafting distinctive costumes and utilizing your body to enhance their performance quality. Throughout the workshop, we will source materials, design and create our outfits, and collaborate to develop an absurdist, eclectic, and sustainable performance to showcase at the end. What could possibly go wrong?
Curious Orange’s biography:
Curious Orange is a director, designer, poet and performer with 25 years of experience in the performing arts. They are a NYC resident since 2011, originally from Amsterdam. As a designer, they have created costumes for companies like The Trisha Brown Dance Company/Judith Sanchéz-Ruiz, Antonio Ramos and Kathy Westwater. They create fashion performances that include dance, live music, and spoken word. They have collaborated on such performances in NYC with The Illustrious Blacks, Penny Arcade and Yoshiko Chuma, and in Brussels at Tic Tac Art Centre with David Zambrano, Clelia Patrono/Jenn Hutt and dance students from all over the world.
In these collaborative performances, they aim to show clothing and dressing as part of life,
ultimately creating a lifelong homage to the sheer act of dressing up.
Dates and times:
November 3 – 7
Monday to Friday
10:00 – 13:00 and 14:30 – 17:30
80 € registration fee
360 € total