Lucas Sáez Collins
STAGE LAB is a one-week intensive for performers that are interested in keeping developing ways to amplify their own authorship perspective at the moment of creation.
We are going to exercise imagination through voice, movement, and writing in order to create a collective dramaturgy. The material of the improvisations, performers’ biographies and writing exercises, will be the path in order to arrive in a communal landscape to be shared with an audience.
What is needed to be on the scene now? What is asking to be vocalized, moved, resignified? How to write as a collective?
The intensive will end with a performance open to the public on Friday night at Tictac Art Centre small studio.
If you (want to) register, please answer the following questions and send them to:
1. As an author, what are you interested in keeping researching?
2. What is your main fear on stage?
3. Where do you find freedom?
Lucas Saéz Collins’s biography:
After obtaining his Bachelor of Arts in Theater Performance at the University of Chile, he specialized in dance and movement studies with various teachers and choreographers. Among these, stands out his work in Chile with Ana Luisa Baquedano, José Vidal y Compañía, and Paula Sacur. In addition, he is a disciple of Sifán Juan Colipí in Tai Chi Kong at Nam Wah Pai School.
Since 2021, he has studied and collaborated with David Zamabrano at the Tic Tac Art Centre (Brussels).
As an actor for films and TV series, he has worked on “Pulseras Rojas,” “Bichos Raros,” “Lecciones de Vuelo,” and “Deseo No Desear,” among others.
In September 2022, he moved to the Netherlands to be part of the cast of “Als Het Anders Loopt,” a theater piece by Het Houten Huis. Additionally, he is a member of The Movers, a dance production company and casting agency specializing in dance for film based in Amsterdam.
During 2023, Lucas returned to Chile to work in cinema and theater. He performed as the lead actor in “Mi Nuevo Estilo de Baile”, by Pablo Berthelon and in the last musical movie of Sebastián Lelio, “La ola” (both movies currently in post production).
In 2024 he wrote and directed the first episode of “Ternura”, premiered in Teatro San Ginés, and closed the Tic Tac 6th anniversary week in Brussels, with his rock band “Luminancia”.
At the present moment Lucas is shooting a TV serie produced by Fabula and Netflix, and looking for fundings and collaborations to keep developing his own artistic researchs in Chile and the world.
Dates and times:
April 7 – 11
Monday to Friday
11:00 – 13:00 and 14:30 – 17:30
80 € registration fee
300 € total
Maximum 12 participants.