Just as you can read the age of a tree from the rings in a tree trunk, you can ‘read’ a life in a human body. The body is a living and ever transforming sculpture, shaped by life itself. Butoh is a dance of transformation that originates from the friction between opponent forces. The butoh dancer knows how to connect with this energy and to move with it – be moved by it. What evolves is authentic expression and original being.

The Butoh Lab offers a space to practice skills and share experiences, as well as to actively and collectively research what is butoh today and to explore its legacy out of its former historical context. The Lab is open to every-body regardless previous knowledge or experience with dance or butoh. We welcome all levels, gender, ages and body-types. The Lab is guided throughout the year by various artists who share their butoh or butoh-minded practice and place individual accents on the content of the Lab.
A lab usually starts with arriving in the space and exploring basic exercises (ex. standing in presence, walking, body awareness, breathing, tension-release, sculpture of time, conscious moving – being moved by, ….) that will then be deepened through improvisations nourished by poetic stimuli. We make time for a sharing circle or questions at the end of the session.

The trimester September – November will be with a collaboration between Quentin Chaveriat and Camille Raséra on the topic of ‘surrealism’. We explore the same subject from two different angles, and are introduced to what working as a company can be. We conclude with a performance at Crude Saturdays, end of november.

Tictac Art Centre, Small Studio

Tuesday Butoh Lab is on a summer break till 17 September 2024

Fall 2024:
The following trimester of 10 evenings are:
All Tuesday evenings between 17 September till 26 November, with the exception of 19 November (when there is a performance in Tictac).
In December there is no Butoh Lab.

The Tuesday Butoth Lab evenings in 2025 will start again on 21 January and will continue till end June, with only a break at 1 and 8 April.

18:30 – 21.00

15€ / Lab
or a 10x fidelity card for 120€
Cards are valuable until end of the season (June 2025) and on name.

Information and Registration:
The Lab is open to everybody regardless previous experience with Butoh or dance. You are welcome as you are. NO REGISTRATION is needed. You just need to arrive in time, the doors of Tictac are open between 18:00 and 18:30.

If you want to send us an email: butofamilia@gmail.com
You can subscribe for our mailing list to keep up to date: eepurl.com/iyBSDg

Find us on the Butoh Belgium Facebook page and on Instagram @buto_familia.

Moving with the invisble