Tictac 6th Anniversary Week
12-18 August 2024

Tictac 6th Anniversary Week
12-18 August 2024
1920 640 Tictac Art Centre

Tictac’s 6th Anniversary Week: 12-18 August 2024

Every year in the month of August, Tictac celebrates one more year of existence.  We’ll celebrate 6 years of Tictac with performances, workshops, concerts, exhibitions, food, music, and more. If you’ve been here on a previous anniversary week, you know it will be a blast.

We stand for spontaneity, creativity, and the love for dance and for sharing dance.

Be welcome to come one or every day, if you don’t want to miss anything. Find below is the program for the week:

  • Monday to Saturday, 8:00-8:30 | Guided meditation sessions | free contribution

    No need for registration, just make sure to be on time. Tictac’s doors will open at 7:30.

  • Monday to Saturday, 8:30-10:30 | Let’s Dance! sessions | 10€ per day

    David Zambrano will guide a Let’s Dance! to start the day dancing. This experience is connected with David Zambrano’s personal approach for warming up (the body, the imagination, the interconnectivity).
    In order to join this practice, participants have to have studied with David Zambrano before.

    Music from 8:30, Session starts at 9:00. No registration needed, just be sure to be on time. Payed at the entrance.

  • Monday to Wednesday, 11:00-13:00 | Flying Low by David Zambrano | 60€ / 3 days

    This workshop focuses mainly on the dancer’s relationship with the floor. The class utilizes simple movement patterns that involve breathing, speed and the release of energy throughout the body in order to activate the relationship between the centre and the joints, moving in and out of the ground more efficiently by maintaining a centered state. There is a focus on the skeletal structure that will help improve the dancer’s physical perception and alertness. The class includes partnering work and movement phrases, which explore the primary laws of physics: cohesion and expansion.

    When one is moving, the whole room is moving with one. The image of the body constantly spiralling, whether running dancing, walking dancing or standing dancing is the main practice during the whole class. Working with spirals helps the dancers go into the floor and out of the floor with ease, and also helps the dancers to see themselves and the room from all sides. The spirals propel the class all over the room, both on the ground and upright. This is the flying low technique.

    David Zambrano has been a monumental figure in the international dance community for more than 35 years, and his passion for cultural exchange continues to influence his work. Zambrano is an ambassador and liaison across many borders, bringing together artists from all over the planet for his projects. He has taught his own approach to dance in more than 75 countries and has performed at hundreds of venues across the world. His pieces range from set choreography, structured improvisation, and pure improvisation. Born in Venezuela, Zambrano spent 15 years in New York and now lives in between Amsterdam and Brussels. In 2018 he initiated Tictac Art Centre as an artistic home base.

  • Monday to Wednesday, 14:00-16:00 | Deep Movement Consciousness by Peter Jasko | 60€ / 3 days

    As a means of expanding your dance training, this form will emphasize exploration of rebound, flow, fractions, spirals and shaking to reach a state beyond self-judgment and self-limitations. Working within the gap between power and fragility, focus will be placed on isolations and polyrhythmic exercises to provide grounding, focus and to solve movement paradoxes. We will move using multiple qualities of movement, developing one’s fearlessness and ability to trust each instant’s potential to lead somewhere. We give ourselves the necessary time to tune into our body’s intuitive intelligence to unlock inner boundaries that emerge during the process. Concentration and seeking precision will be key assets for the student’s progress.

    In 2001, Peter Jasko graduated from the J.L. Bella Conservatory of dance, Banska Bystrica, Slovakia.
    He continued his higher education at the VSMU, for a year before entering the i P.A.R.T.S. in Brussels. He has been involved in the dance community in different parts of the world as a performer, choreographer and teacher for over 20 years.
    In 2006, Peter cofounded Les Slovaks Dance Collective.
    For the past 20 years, he has taught in about forty-six countries around the world.
    Since 2023 Peter Jasko became TransFormation Programming Associate for the workshop dance festival in Montreal.

  • Thursday to Saturday, 11:00-13:00 | Zumbakuakua by Horacio Macuacua | 60€ / 3 days

    Zumbakuakua is a dance style that is born out of the curiosity for reinventing warming up the body in a joyful way and a great vibe. It is inspired by traditional African dances, afro dance and all influences Horacio has picked up in his career. The class is hot and sweaty, the dance steps and moves are aerobic, rooting deeply, creating an invocation of your own spirit. A treat which has become an inspiring dance formula to be shared once more, and more.

    Horacio Macuacua, the Mozambican dancer and choreographer is the artistic director of the dance company which bears his name. He develops projects that aim to go beyond established forms. Flexibility of mind and availability to catch the moment translate movement instantly into compositions that are complex and elaborated, displaying depth and playfulness, darkness and light. Each composition is a journey to reinvent and transform within the parameters of meaning. He has carried out his projects: COMUM, Canais, Orobroy, Stop! (1st Prize and Puma Creative Prize at Danse l’Afrique Danse Festival 2010), Smile If You Can!, Fighting room, Convoy, Paradise is not in the sky! and Theka.Horacio has collaborated with choreographers Panaibra Gabriel Canda/CulturArte, Cristina Moura, Thomas Hauert, George Khumalo, Wim Vandekeybus/Última Vez … and David Zambrano, considering him his maestro and mentor. As a teacher he has given classes and workshops in France, Germany, Spain, Belgium, Holland, Cyprus, USA, South Korea, Brazil, South Africa, Mozambique, etc….

  • Thursday to Saturday, 14:00-16:00 | Voice and Movement workshop by Lenna Bahule | 60€ / 3 days

    Lenna Bahule will share a voice and movement workshop.

    Lenna Bahule is a versatile artist renowned as a singer, cultural activist, and art educator from Maputo, Mozambique, With a rich background in exploring African diasporas and Afro cultures, she spent 7 years in Brazil delving into vocal music research and innovative ways of using voice and body for artistic expression. Lenna has collaborated with diverse musicians worldwide, including renowned names like Virginia Rodrigues, Mû Mbana, and Paulo Flores. Her debut album “NÔMADE,” focusing on indigenous vocal express ions, earned acclaim as one of the top 100 albums produced in Brazil in 2016.


  • Anniversary Week Workshops Package Deal | 200 € / 4 workshops

    4 workshops by: David Zambrano (Flying Low), Peter Jasko, Horacio Macuacua, Lenna Bahule.

From Monday to Sunday, every evening we will have performances at 20:00.

As other years, the lineup for every day is secret until the day before. We like to keep things spicy and unpredictable.
All the performers have been invited by David Zambrano, and they all have carte blanche to perform what they want. It’s a surprise also for us.

On Saturday 17, Mozambican singer/composer Lenna Bahule will perform a concert.

The ticket to see the performances is 10 € (payed directly here). No need for reservation, just be here on time. Tictac doors open to the public one hour before, at 19:00.

Rimon Guimãraes (Brasil) will come back to Tictac, this time to do an exhibition at Tictac gallery. In case you don’t kn0w, he is the one who painted the colourful murals in our courtyard.

Fashion artists that have come in other occasions to Tictac are preparing clothing creations for a fashion Pop-up store: it will have items by Daswerk Haus (Levi Semerci), JK Dressing (Jean Kassim Dembélé) and David Zambrano/Marygloria Pacheco.

Check out our
5th Anniversary