Sophia Rodriguez
Matter Becoming Fantasy
In this workshop Improvisation becomes the strategy to explore the power of unreal images and fantasies of physical and emotional states.
By following different scores/tasks we will investigate ways to access our fantasies, unconscious narratives and spontaneous compositions. Becoming is the possibility of changing into a thing that has being; to bring it into the here, to experience something that has existed somewhere else.
When we communicate with our own matter/body we construct a unique pathway by interconnecting different systems of thoughts, emotions, impulse and intuitive movement, through these practices, we search to recognize pathways that can allow us to express our full unique self.
Sophia Rodriguez’s biography:
Sophia Rodríguez is a Venezuelan actress, dancer, fighter, circus artist, stretching and physical preparation teacher. Since 2001 She has been performing and teaching around the world. Her versatility and passion for the transmission of body knowledge have brought her to develop social and artistic projects in countries in different parts of the world.
Sophia Rodriguez loves to work and teach actors, dancers, boxers, fighters, circus artists, performers and non professionals and is specialized in creating relationships between people with different backgrounds, Sophia Rodriguez got in 2000 her Bachelors degree in Physical Theater from the National Theater of Venezuela’s Educational Program. She practiced Capoeira with Emerson Dominguez In Cuba’s National Circus School she studied for one year intensively tight rope and in 2008 she got her diploma in dance/performance from the Universidad Experimental de las Artes, Venezuela. In 2010 she participated in “50 days Flying Low and Passing Through in Costa Rica” with David Zambrano, which afterward she started to teach at different venues.
She received in 2014 a Master degree in Physical Theater at the Scuola Teatro Dimitri and won the prize as best actress at Sétkani Festival (CZ) In 2013 she had a DanceWEB scholarship at Impulstanz Vienna, but that year marks also her start as an artist in residence at Volksroom Brussels.
Since 2003 she has been the author of several performances working in collaboration with many artists such as Ines Rojas, Nene Raul Vargas, Thomas Proksch, Ivo Dimchev, Micha Goldberg. She worked with choreographers such as David Zambrano (VE/NL), Osmany Tellez (NY), Sabine Jamet (FR), Mat Voorter (NL). Since 2012 Micha Goldberg and Sophía Rodríguez create together various works: I am Your Eva (at Scuola Teatro Dimitri), The Primal Money Scream project (at Volksroom, CAMPO, Gesnerallee and TAZ2014) The Garden Laboratorium (at Something Raw, Possible (Im)possible future festival), You and Me how hot can it be (at a shop at rue Gheude in Anderlecht, Monty theater). In 2017 she performs in Autoctonos, directed by Ayelen Parolin (KunstenFestivalDesArts). 2018/19 she took part in Amateur Theater for professionals by Micha Goldberg (Batâr festival) and performed in a world tour with the piece (B) by Koen Agustijnen and Rosalba Torres Guerrero. in 2019 she created a new solo called “My Nature”, shown in Syndikate Festival (Ljubliana) and Tictac Art Centre (Brussels).
Dates and times:
August 4 – 8
9:00 – 13:00
50 € registration fee
240 € total
Package deal:
In the same week Edivaldo Ernesto is teaching in the afternoons. You get a 15% discount for registering to both workshops.