Paola Di Bella
Pocket Poney Voice and Dance
Within each one of us there is a whole universe full of different songs, melodies, rythms, texts that are there available to come out and be shared with the others, enriching our dancing of a very powerful 4th dimention. This workshop is the opportunity to explore the different declinations of this particular Binomio: Voice-Movement and perform it in front of an audience.
We will dive into durational physical dance improvisations to push our physicality, sharpen listening and warm up our voices.
The workshop is suitable for everyone (professional or amateurs) that would like to gain more experience in performing in front of an audience and explore further their vocal creativity (for dancers) and physical creativity (for singers/musicians).
Paola Di Bella’s biography:
Paola is a dancer and singer based in Brussels, dedicated to the practice of improvisation on stage.
During her school time in London she tours in Italy and England besides Ali Jones and Rosmery Brandt performing her solo based on “Laban choreological studies”. After finishing the studies in Laban Centre (London) with a special price on outstanding achievements, Paola is an apprentice at the William Forsythe Company (Germany).
Since 2014, Paola follows the work of David Zambrano very closely attending several Flying Low and Passing Through intensives as well as improvisation workshops.
In 2019, after the improvisation intensive training “60 Days” led by David Zambrano, Paola becomes former member of “Brut Movement” collective. This very eclectic collective is made of 5 dancers and 1 photographer and produces dance pieces in Belgium for all audiences which are entirely based on improvisation on stage.
Always intrigued by the musicality of dance and singing, Paola starts to sing more while performing and composes her own music alone or with other artists. She has so far created two different concert-performances called “Pocket Poney Live Concerts” which have been performed all around Belgium and Paris. She has also composed songs collaboratively within a frame she calls CACTUS SESSIONS with musicians : Clelia Patrono, Florian Vuille, Diego Higueras, Irene Occhiato, Luigi Bisogno, Gasper Piano, Erik Molina, Davide Enrico Pigozzi, Davide Musco , Jean Noel Boisse, Alex Paton, Gonzalo Rojas, Sergio Roberto Gratteri.
October 6 – 10
Monday to Friday
10:00 – 13:00 and 14:30 to 17:30
80 € registration fee
360 € total