Lucas Condró
In the Asymmetrical-Motion Workshop, we will study body asymmetries and how they can generate better mobility and agility in terms of movement and dance. We will understand the movement of the spine and all the micro-movements involved in it, as well as the relationship between weight and structure for a better motion in space. We will explore the ability of each part to move independently and how this affects the rest of the body.
We will also work around the idea of “singularity”, meaning the process of discovering everyone`s potential and unique way of expression.
Lucas Condro has been developing a contemporary dance technique called Asymmetrical-Motion and investigating pedagogical methods, questioning the space a class provides and the roll of the teacher, considering the class as a laboratory, with each student a potential teacher.
His work is based on learning through observation and verbalisation of information in order to collectively generate tools that are shared and investigated by the whole group, and how this can lead to a drastic change in the learning process
Lucas Condró’s biography:
Dancer and choreographer, he began his studies in Argentina. In 1999 he was invited by David Zambrano to participate in a seminar at the SNDO (School For New Dance Development), where he later studied for 3 years, graduating with a degree as “Dance Maker”. He participated in “Springdance dialogues” by Jan Ritsema and “Several Species of Small Furry Animas” by Nicole Butler. In Holland, he worked with choreographers Paz Rojo, David Zambrano, Nora Heltman, Katrina Brown. He directed “The Space”, a work created within EXERCE at the Center for Choreography in Montpellier. Since 2005 he has been developing his own technique, Asymmetrical Motion. He has been invited to teach in Chile, Uruguay, Mexico, Spain, France and Sweden (KulturKraft Väst), DOCH university, Le Lido, Cullberg Ballet company and Les 7 Doigts de la Main.
In 2016, together with Pablo Messiez, he published the book “Asymmetrical Motion/ Notas sobre pedagogia y movimiento” related to the experience in dance and pedagogy of the last years.
Dates and times:
July 21 – 25
Monday to Friday
9:00 – 13:00
50 € registration fee
240 € total
Package deal:
In the same week Peter Jasko is teaching in the afternoons. You get a 15% discount for registering to both workshops.